Chandogya Upanishad | Full Text

1. Om! this letter, the Udgītha, should be adored. Om is chanted:-its description. 2. The earth constitutes the essence of all substances; water is the essence of the earth, and annual herbs of water; man forms the essence of annual herbs, and speech is the essence of man; Rig is the essence of speech, Sāma of the Rig, and of

1. Om! Verily, the adoration of the entire Sāma is proper. Whatever is proper is Sāma; and whatever is improper, is not Sāma. 2. Hence it is generally said "He went to him [to a king] with Sāma," meaning that he proceeded becomingly, and "He went to him without Sāma," 3. It is also said when any good happens, "Sāma

1. Hari, Om! Verily the sun is the honey of the gods. The heaven is the arched bamboo, [whence hangeth pendant] the atmosphere [like a] hive: the vapours [floating therein] are the eggs. 2. Of the sun the eastern beams are the eastern honey-cells; the Rig hymns are the manufacturers of honey; [the ceremonies enjoined by] the Rig Veda form

Of a truth there lived Janaśruti grandson of the son of Janaśruti, the charitably disposed, the giver of large gifts, and the preparer of much food. He built houses everywhere that [people] from all sides might come and feast [therein]. 2. [Over his house] at night passed some geese, and the foremost, said: "Bhallāksha, [short-sighted] the glory of Janaśruti is

4. He who knows the Sampat [fortune,] obtains whatever is desirable in this or the other world. Audition is verily the Sampat. 5. He who knows the Receptacle [Āyatana] verily becomes the receptacle of his people. The mind is verily the Receptacle. 6. Now, these organs of sense quarrelled about their [respective] superiority, each proclaiming: "I am the chief; I am the chief."

1. Hari! Om! Of a truth there lived Swetaketu son of Aruṇa. Unto him said his father, " O Swetaketu, [go and] abide as a Brahmachari [in the house of a tutor], none of our race has neglected the Vedas and therebybrought disgrace on himself." 2. Of a truth he having repaired to a tutor, on his twelfth year, and

2. He replied "O Lord, I have read the Rig Vēda, the Yajur Vēda, the Sāma Veda, fourth the Atharva Veda, fifth the Itihāsa and Purana, grammar, rituals, the science of numbers, physics, chronology, logic, polity, technology the sciences cognate to the Vedas, the science of spirits, archery, astronomy, the science of antidotes, and the fine arts. All these have

5. He says, "The diseases of the body can never reduce it to decrepitude, nor the slaughter of the body effect its destruction. This habitation of Brahma is verily an everlasting truth. In it dwell all human desires. It is the Soul, it is far from all vice, it is not subject to death; it is immortal and above affliction.

Those seekers belonging to the first three stages meditate on Om as forming a part of the Sāman sacrifice and attain after death relative immortality in heaven. But a monk, who belongs to the fourth stage, meditates on Om independent of rituals and as a symbol of Brahman and, as a result, attains absolute Immortality through the Knowledge of Brahman.

The first eleven chapters of the third part, called the Madhu-vidyā or Honey-doctrine, describe the meditation on the sun. The sacrificial rites find their fruition in the sun, which gives enjoyment to various creatures according to the nature of their action. The meditation on the sun, through successive steps, leads to the Highest Good.
