Purāṇas, Itihāsas, Smṛti

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam Purāṇa

The Bhāgavata Purāṇa (Devanagari: भागवतपुराण, also known as Śrīmad Bhāgavatam or Bhāgavata, literally meaning Divine-Eternal Tales of The Supreme Lord) is one of the Maha (Sanskrit: 'great') Purāṇic texts of Hinduism, with its focus on bhakti (religious devotion) to Supreme God Vishnu (Nārāyaṇa), primarily focusing on Krishna. The Bhagavata Purāṇa includes many stories well known in Hinduism, including the various avatars of Vishnu and the

Vishnu Purana online

The Vishnu Purāṇa is one of the earliest of the eighteen major Purāṇas (“ancient stories”) revered by the Hindus. It is considered to be one of the most important Purāṇas and for this reason is referred to by the name Purāṇa-ratna, which means “Gem of Purāṇas.” Like some of the other Purāṇas, the Vishnu Purāṇa is presented in the form of a dialogue, in this


Śrīmad Devī Bhāgavatam Purāṇa for all Devi bhaktas, devotees of Divine Mother. This is the most important and ancient Purāṇa for all Śaktas.

Devī Māhātmyam | Durgā Saptashatī

The Devi Mahātmyam or Devi Mahātmya (Sanskrit: देवीमाहात्म्यम्), or "Glory of the Goddess") is a very popular devotional text in Hinduism and a root text of Śaktism, from Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa describing the victory of the goddess Durgā over the demon Mahishasura. Devī Māhātmyam is also known as the Durgā Saptashatī (दुर्गासप्तशती) or simply Saptashatī, Caṇḍī (चण्डी) or Caṇḍī Pāṭha (चण्डीपाठः): . The text is called


Śrīmad Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa - an English translation of which you can read online following the links below – is the oldest Epic of the Hindu literature and philosophy, far more ancient as the famous Mahābhārata Epic, which is much later work. According to traditional narrative Rāmāyaṇa describes events which have taken place in the Tretā Yuga, second of the four eons (yugas) of Hindu chronology.

Thirukural of Tiruvalluvar

The Thirukural is a 2 200-year-old South Indian Tamil - Dravidian classic on ethical living. Thiru means “holy” or “sacred,” and kural describes a brief verse or literary couplet. This poetic masterpiece is one of the most revered Holy Scriptures in South India. On most part it deals with questions of ethical living, how to deal with daily situations, things that are good to note


Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali , one of the six main Darśanas or philosophies of India. Yoga Sutras in English, Sanskrit and romanized transliteration are given.


Let me present you Yoga Sutras of Patañjali with great commentaries of Swami Prabhavananda. The commentaries are based upon the ancient commentaries written by Vyasa and Bhoja and more recent done by well-known Swami Vivekananda just some 120 years ago and of course the vast wisdom and philosophical knowledge of Swami Prabhavananda himself.

Sanatkumara Samhita

Śrī Sanatkumāra-saṃhitā is an ancient collection of Vedic teachings from Vaiṣṇavite Āgamas, known as Pāñcarātrāgamas. Written in a beautiful Sanskrit poetics Śrī Sanatkumāra-saṃhitā narrates in great detail the symptoms and characteristics of forthcoming dark age of Kali, the Age of sorrows, disasters and suffering, the Age in which we live now, and also presents a method how to safely overcome all above mentioned suffering., */

Nārada Bhakti Sūtra

Nārada Bhakti Sūtras is a traditional Hindu text dedicated to bhakti yoga – the pure, selfless love and devotional service to God. It is written around year 1000 and described to rishi Narada – the eternal sage and devotee of God. Bhakti sutras consist of 84 aphorisms that describe how to obtain and develop pure love and devotion cultivating eleven types of bhakti, cultivating the
