Śrī Sanatkumara-saṃhita | Verses 251-275
Verse 251
evaṃ tau vividhair hāsai ramamānau gaṇaiḥ saha
anubhūya kśaṇaṃ nidrā- sukhaṃ ca muni-sattama
evaṃ—thus; tau—They; vividhair—with various; hāsai—joking words; ramamānau—enjoying; gaṇaiḥ—associates; saha—with; anubhūya—experiencing; kśaṇaṃ—for a moment; nidrā—of sleep; sukhaṃ—the happiness; ca—and; muni-sattama—O best of sages.
O best of sages, in this way the divine couple enjoyed a pleant nap and a host of happy joking words.
Verse 252
upaviśyāsane divye sa-gaṇau viśṭrte mudā
paṇī-kṛtya mitho hāra- cumbāśleśa-paricchadān
upaviśya—sitting; āsane—on a seat; divye—splendid; sa- gaṇau—with Their associates; viśṭrte—expanded; mudā—with happiness; paṇī-kṛtya—wagering; mitho—together; hāra—necklace; cumba—kiss; āśleśa—and embrace; paricchadān—possessions.
Sitting on a splendid throne and surrounded by Their associates, the divine couple gamble at dice, with garlands, kisses, and embraces as the winner's prize.
Verse 253
akśair vikrīḍataḥ premṇā narmālāpaḥ puraḥ-saram
parājito 'pi priyayā jitam ity avadan mṛśā
akśair—with dice; vikrīḍataḥ—playing; premṇā—with love; narmālāpaḥ—joking words; puraḥ—in the presence; saram—going; parājito—defeated; api—also; priyayā—by His beloved; jitam—defeated; ity—thus; avadan—saying; mṛśā—thoughtfully.
Joking with words of love, Rādhā and Kṛśṇa gamble with dice. Defeated by His beloved, Lord Kṛśṇa slowly pronounces, "I have lost."
Verse 254
hārādi-grahane tasyāḥ pravṛttastāyate tayā
tathaivaṃ tāḍitaḥ kṛśṇaḥ karṇotpala-saroruhaiḥ
hārādi-grahane—in the taking of the necklace and other prizes; tasyāḥ—of Her; pravṛttastā—engaged; āyate—goes; tayā—by Her; tathā—so; evaṃ—thus; tāḍitaḥ—struck; kṛśṇaḥ—Lored Kṛśṇa; karṇotpala-saroruhaiḥ—with lotus whorls.
Taking the necklace and other prizes, Śrī Rādhā struck Lord Kṛśṇa with a lotus flower.
Verse 255
viṣaṇṇa-vadano bhūtvā gata-sva iva nārada
jito 'smi ca tvayā devi gṛhyatāṃ yat paṇī-kṛtam
viṣaṇṇa—dejected; vadano—face; bhūtvā—becoming; gata—gone; sva—His possessions; iva—as if; nārada—O Śrī Nārada; jito—defeated; asmi—I am; ca—and; tvayā—by You; devi—O goddess; gṛhyatāṃ—may bhe taken; yat—what; paṇī-kṛtam—the winner's prize.
O Nārada, His unhappiness showing on His face, Lord Kṛśṇa felt as if He had lost a great treasure. "O goddess, You have defeated Me", He said. "Please take the winner's prize."
Verse 256
cumbanādi mayā dattaṃ ity uktvā ca tathācaret
kauṭilya-tad-bhruvo draṣṭuṃ śrotuṃ tad-bhartsanaṃ vacaḥ
cumbana—kiss; ādi—beginning with; mayā—by Me; dattaṃ—given; ity—thus; uktvā—speaking; ca—and; tathā—so; ācaret—did; kauṭilya- tad-bhruvo—with crooked eyebrows; draṣṭuṃ—to see; śrotuṃ—to hear; tad-bhartsanaṃ—the rebuke; vacaḥ—the words.
To see Rādhā's crooked raised eyebrows and hear Her words of rebuke, Lord Kṛśṇa declared, "Now I will give You the kiss and the other prizes." Then He gave Her all the prizes.
Verse 257
tataḥ śārī-śukānāṃ ca śrutvā vāg-āhavaṃ mithaḥ
nirgacchatas tataḥ snānād gantu-kāmau gṛhaṃ prati
tataḥ—then; śārī-śukānāṃ—of the parrots; ca—and; śrutvā—hearing; vāg-āhavaṃ—calls; mithaḥ—together; nirgacchatas—went; tataḥ—then; snānād—from bathing; gantu- kāmau—desiring to go; gṛhaṃ—home; prati—to.
Then, hearing the parrots calling, Rādhā and Kṛśṇa bathed and decided to return to Their homes.
Verse 258
kṛśṇaḥ kāntām anujñāpya gavām abhimukhaṃ vrajet
sā tu sūrya-gṛhaṃ gacchet sakhī-maṇḍala-samyutā
kṛśṇaḥ—Kṛśṇa; kāntām—His beloved; anujñāpya—taking leave; gavām—of the cows; abhimukhaṃ—to the presence; vrajet—goes; sā—She; tu—indeed; sūrya-gṛhaṃ—to the temple of the sun-god; gacchet—goes; sakhī-maṇḍala-samyutā—with Her associates.
Taking leave of His beloved, Lord Kṛśṇa returns to the cows. Accomopanied by Her friends, Śrī Rādhā goes to the temple of the sun-god.
Verse 259
kiyad dūraṃ tato gatvā parāvṛtya hariḥ punaḥ
vipra-veśaṃ samāsthāpya yāti sūrya-gṛhaṃ prati
kiyad—how?; dūraṃ—far; tato—then; gatvā—going; parāvṛtya—returning; hariḥ—Lord Kṛśṇa; punaḥ—again; vipra-veśaṃ—in the dress of a brāhmaṇa; samāsthāpya—placing; yāti—goes; sūrya- gṛhaṃ—to the sun-god's temple; prati—to.
Lord goes a short distance, disguises Himself as a brāhmaṇa, and then goes to the temple of the sun-god.
Verse 260
sūryaṃ ca pūjayet tatra prārthitas tat-sakhī-janaiḥ
tadaiva kalpitair vedaiḥ parihāsyāvagarbhitaiḥ
sūryaṃ—the sun god; ca—and; pūjayet—worships; tatra—there; prārthitas—requested; tat-sakhī-janaiḥ—by His gopī friends; tadā—then; eva—indeed; kalpitair—created; vedaiḥ—by Vedas; parihāsya—joking; avagarbhitaiḥ—filled with outrageous errors.
Requested by the gopīs, the disguised Kṛśṇa worships the sun-god. Lord Kṛśṇa then recites a host of imaginary Vedic prayers, prayers made up on the spot and filled with a host of errors.
Verse 261
tatas tā api taṃ kāntaṃ parijñāya vicakśaṇāḥ
ānanda-sāgare līnā na viduḥ svaṃ na cāparam
tatas—then; tā—to them; api—also; taṃ—Him; kāntaṃ—be,loved; parijñāya—understanding; vicakśaṇāḥ—wise; ānanda- sāgare—in an ocean of bliss; līnā—plunged; na—not; viduḥ—knew; svaṃ—own; na—not; ca—and; aparam—another.
Finally understanding that this person was their beloved Kṛśṇa, the intelligent gopīs became plunged in an ocean of bliss. Intoxicated with bliss they did not know who they were or who anyone else was.
Verse 262
vihārair vividhair evaṃ sārdhaṃ yāma-dvayaṃ mune
nitvā gṛhaṃ vrajeyus tāḥ sa ca kṛśṇo gavāṃ vrajet
vihārair—with pastimes; vividhair—various; evaṃ—thus; sārdhaṃ—with; yāma-dvayaṃ—six hours; mune—O sage; nitvā—taking; gṛhaṃ—home; vrajeyus—went; tāḥ—them; sa—He; ca—and; kṛśṇo—Lord Kṛśṇa; gavāṃ—to the cows; vrajet—went.
O sage, in this way the divine couple and Their associates passed six hours enjoying many pastimes. Finally the gopīs returned to their homes and Lord Kṛśṇa returned to the cows.
Verse 263
athāparāhṇa-sevā saṅgamya tu sakhīn kṛśṇo gṛhītvā gāḥ samantataḥ
āgacchati vrajaṃ karṣan tan muralī-ravaiḥ
atha—now; aparāhna-sevā—afternoon pastimes; saṅgamya—meeting; tu—indeed; sakhīn—friends; kṛśṇo—Lord Kṛśṇa; gṛhītvā—taking; gās—the cows; samantataḥ—everywhere; āgacchati—returns; vrajaṃ—to Vraja village; karṣan—attracting; tan—them; muralī-ravaiḥ—with the sound of His flute.
Pastimes in the Afternoon Meeting with His gopa friends, taking the cows with Him, and attracting everyone with the music of His flute, Lord Kṛśṇa returned to Vraja Village.
Verses 264 and 265
tato nandādayaḥ sarve śrutvā veṇu-ravaṃ hareḥ
go-dhūli-paṭalair vyāptaṃ dṛśṭvā cāpi nabha-sthalam
visṛjya sarva-karmāṇi striyo bālādayo 'pi ca
kṛśṇasyābhimukhaṃ yānti tad-darśana-samutsukāḥ
tato—then; nanda—by Nanda Maharaja; ādayaḥ—headed; sarve—all; śrutvā—hearing; veṇu-ravaṃ—the sound of the flute; hareḥ—of Lord Kṛśṇa; go-dhūli-paṭalair—with the dust raised by the cows; vyāptaṃ—filled; dṛśṭvā—seeing; caand; api—also; nabha-sthalam—the sky; visṛjya—abandoning; sarva-karmāṇi—all work; striyo—women; bāla—children; ādayo—beginning with; api—and; ca—also; kṛśṇasya—of Lord Kṛśṇa; abhimukhaṃ—to the presence; yānti—go; tad-darśana- samutsukāḥ—eager to see Him.
Hearing the sound of Kṛśṇa's flute and seeing the sky filled with the dust raised by the cows, King Nanda and all the men, women, and children of Vraja stopped all they were doing and ran to see Kṛśṇa.
Verse 266
rāja-mārge vraja-dvāri yatra sarve vrajaukasaḥ
kṛśṇo 'py etān samāgamya yathāvad anupūrvaśaḥ
rāja—royal; mārge—on the road; vraja-dvāri—at the entrance of Vraja; yatra—where; sarve—all; vrajaukasaḥ—the people,of Vraja; kṛśṇo—Lord Kṛśṇa; api—also; etān—them; samāgamya—approaching; yathāvad—as; anupūrvaśaḥ—before.
On the royal road at the entrance to Vraja Village Lord Kṛśṇa met all the people of Vraja one after another.
Verse 267
darśanaiḥ sparśanair vāpi smita-pūrva-vilokanaiḥ
gopa-vṛddhān namaskāraiḥ kāyikair vācikair api
darśanaiḥ—with glances; sparśanair—with touches; vā—or; api—also; smita-pūrva-vilokanaiḥ—with smiling glances; gopa- vṛddhān—to the elder gopas; namaskāraiḥ—with obeisances; kāyikair—with body; vācikair—with words; api—also.
He met them with embraces, glances, and smiling glances. He bowed before the elder gopas and He honored them with His words.
Verse 268
sāṣṭāṅga-pātaiḥ pitarau rohiṇīm api nārada
sūtrānta-sūcitenaiva vinayena priyās tathā
sāṣṭāṅga-pātaiḥ—with dandavat obeisances; pitarau—to His parents; rohiṇīm—to Rohiṇī; api—also; nārada—O Śrī Nārada; sūtrānta- sūcitena—with sidelong glances; eva—indeed; vinayena—shy; priyās—gopī beloveds; tathā—so.
O Śrī Nārada, Lord Kṛśṇa prostrated His entire body to show respect to His parents and to Rohiṇī-devī. From the corner of His eye He shyly glanced at His gopī beloveds.
Verse 269
evaṃ taiś ca yathā yogyaṃ vrajaukobhiḥ prapūjitaḥ
gavālayaṃ tathā gāś ca sampraveśya samantataḥ
evaṃ—thus; tais—with them; ca—and; yathā—as; yogyaṃ—appropriate; vrajaukobhiḥ—with the people of Vraja; prapūjitaḥ—worshiped; gavālayaṃ—to the cow barn; tathā—so; gāś—the cows; ca—and; sampraveśya—bringing in; samantataḥ—completely.
Then, in the ways proper for each, all the people of Vraja worshiped Lord Kṛśṇa. Then Lord Kṛśṇa took the cows into the barn.
Verse 270
pitṛbhyām arthito yāti mātrā saha nijālayam
snātvā pitvā tathā kiñcid bhuktvā mātrānumoditaḥ
pitṛbhyām—by His parents; arthito—requested; yāti—goes; mātrā—mother; saha—with; nijālayam—to His own home; snātvā—bathing; pitvā—drinking; tathā—so; kiñcid—something; bhuktvā—eating; mātrā—by His mother; anumoditaḥ—requested.
Requested by His parents, Lord Kṛśṇa went home with mother Yaśodā. Requested by her, He bathed and then He ate and drank.
Verse 271
atha sāyaṃ sevā tāś ca dugdhvā dohayitvā pāyayitvā ca kāścana
pitrā sārdhaṃ gṛhaṃ yāti yayau bhāriśatānugaḥ
atha—now; sāyaṃ sevā—sunset pastimes; tās—them; ca—and; dugdhvā—milking; dohayitvā—causing to milk; pāyayitvā—causing to drink; ca—and; kāścana—some; pitrā—father; sārdhaṃ—with; gṛhaṃ—home; yāti—goes; yayau—went; bhāriśata—by the carriers; anugaḥ—followed.
Pastimes at Sunset After milking some of the cows, having the other gopas milk the other cows, and allowing the calves to also drink some of the milk, Lord Kṛśṇa, accompanied by His father and by servants carrying the milk, returned home.
Verse 272
tatrāpi mātṛ-vṛndaiś ca tat-putraiś ca balaiḥ saha
sambhuṅkte vividhānnāni carvya-cūṣyādikāni ca
tatra—there; api—also; mātṛ-vṛndaiś—by the many mothers; ca—and; tat-putraiś—by their children; ca—and; balaiḥ—Lord Balarāma; saha—with; sambhuṅkte—ate; vividhānnāni—many kinds of foods; carvya-cūṣyādikāni—to be chewed, sucked, and consumed in other ways; ca—also.
Then, accompanied by Lord Balarāma, the gopa boys, and the boys' mothers, Lord Kṛśṇa ate a feast of many different kinds of foods, foods to be chewed, licked, or consumed in other ways.
Verse 273
atha pradoṣa-sevā tan mātuḥ prārthanāt pūrvaṃ rādhayāpi tadaiva hi
prasthāpyante sakhī-dvārā pakvānnāni tad-ālayam
atha—now; pradoṣa-sevā—evening pastimes; tan—that; mātuḥ—of His mother; prārthanāt—by the request; pūrvaṃ—before; rādhayā—by Śrī Rādhā; api—also; tadā—then; eva—indeed; hi—indeed; prasthāpyante—is established; sakhī—gopī friends; dvārā—by; pakvānnāni—cooked foods; tad-ālayam—at the home.
Pastimes of the Evening On Mother Yaśodā's request, Śrī Rādhā and Her friends had cooked this feast.
Verse 274
ślāghayaṃś ca haris tāni bhuktvā pitrādibhiḥ saha
sabhā-gṛhaṃ vrajet taiś ca juśṭaṃ vandi-janādibhiḥ
ślāghayan—praising; ca—and; haris—Lord Kṛśṇa; tāni—that; bhuktvā—eating; pitrādibhiḥ—His father and the others; saha—with; sabhā-gṛhaṃ—to the assembly-house; vrajet—went; tais——with them; ca—and; juśṭaṃ—proper; vandi-janādibhiḥ—with the poets.
After enjoying the feast in the company of His father and the others, Lord Kṛśṇa praises in with many words. Then, accompanied by the poets ansd reciters, Lord Kṛśṇa goes to the assembly-house.
Verse 275
pakvānnāni gṛhitvā yā sakhyas tatra samāgatāḥ
bahūni ca punas tāni pradattāni yaśodayā
pakva—cooked; ānnāni—foods; gṛhitvā—taking; yā—who; sakhyas—the gopī friends; tatra—there; samāgatāḥ—come; bahūni—many; ca—and; punas—again; tāni—them; pradattāni—given; yaśodayā—by Yaśodā.
Then mother Yaśodā gave abundant remnants from the feast to the gopīs who had brought it in the first place.