Viṣṇu Purāṇa | Book 4 - Chapter 14
Chapter XIV
Descendants of Śini, of Anamitra, of Śvaphalka and Chitraka, of Andhaka. The children of Devaka and Ugrasena. The descendants of Bhajamāna. Children of Śūra: his son Vasudeva: his daughter Prithā married to Pāṇḍu: her children Yudhiṣṭhira and his brothers; also Karṇa by Āditya. The sons of Pāṇḍu by Mādrī. Husbands and children of Śūra's other daughters. Previous births of Śiśupāla.
THE younger brother of Anamitra was Śini; his son was Satyaka; his son was Yuyudhāna, also known by the name of Sātyaki; his son was Asanga; his son was Tūni; his son was Yugandhara. These princes were called Śaineyas.
In the family of Anamitra, Priśni was born; his son was Śvaphalka, the sanctity of whose character has been described: the younger brother of Śvaphalka was named Chitraka.
Śvaphalka had by Gandinī, besides Akrūra, Upamadgu, Mridura, Śārimejaya, Giri, Kṣatropakṣatra, Śatrughna, Arimarddana, Dharmadhris, Dhṛṣṭasarman, Gandhamojāvaha, and Prativāha. He had also a daughter, Sutārā.
Devavat and Upadeva were the sons of Akrūra. The sons of Chitrika were Prithu and Vipritha, and many others. Andhaka had four sons, Kukkura, Bhajamāna, Śuchi, Kambalavarhiṣ.
The son of Kukkura was Vṛṣṭa; his son was Kapotaroman; his son was Viloman; his son was Bhava, who was also called Chandanodakadundubhi; he was a friend of the Gandharva Tumburu; his son was Abhijit; his son was Punarvasu; his son was Āhuka, and he had also a daughter named Āhukī.
The sons of Āhuka were Devaka and Ugrasena:
The former had four sons, Devavat, Upadevā, Sudeva, and Devarakṣita, and seven daughters, Vrikadevā, Upadevā, Devarakṣitā, Śrīdevā, Śāntidevā, Sahadevā, and Devakī: all the daughters were married to Vasudeva.
The sons of Ugrasena were Kansa, Nyagrodha, Sunāman, Kanka, Śanku, Subhūmi, Rāṣṭrapāla, Yuddhamuṣṭhi, and Tuṣṭimat; and his daughters were Kansā, Kansavatī, Sutanu, Rāṣṭrapālī, and Kankī.
The son of Bhajamāna was Vidūratha; his son was Śūra; his son was Śamin; his son was Pratīkṣatra; his son was Swayambhoja; his son was Hridika, who had Kritavarman, Śatadhanu, Devamīḍhuṣa, and others.
Śūra, the son of Devamīḍhuṣa, was married to Māṛṣā, and had by her ten sons.
On the birth of Vasudeva, who was one of these sons, the gods, to whom the future is manifest, foresaw that the divine being would take a human form in his family,
and thereupon they sounded with joy the drums of heaven: from this circumstance Vasudeva was also called Ānakadundubhi.
His brothers were Devabhāga, Devaśravas, Anādhṛṣṭi, Karundhaka, Vatsabālaka, Śrinjaya, Śyāma, Śamīka, and Gaṇḍūṣa; and his sisters were Prithā, Śrutadevā, Śrutakīrttī, Śrutaśravas, and Rājādhidevī.
Śūra had a friend named Kuntibhoja, to whom, as he had no children, he presented in due form his daughter Pritha.
She was married to Pāṇḍu, and bore him Yudhisṭhīra, Bhīma, and Arjuna, who were in fact the sons of the deities Dharma, Vāyu (air), and Indra. Whilst she was yet unmarried, also, she had a son named Karṇa, begotten by the divine Āditya (the sun).
Pāṇḍu had another wife, named Mādrī, who had by the twin sons of Āditya, Nāsatya and Dasra, two sons, Nakula and Sahadeva.
Śrutadevā was married to the Kāruṣa prince Vriddhaśarman, and bore him the fierce Asura Dantavaktra.
Dhriṣṭaketu, raja of Kaikeya, married Śrutakīrtti, and had by her Santarddana and four other sons, known as the five Kaikeyas.
Jayasena, king of Avanti, married Rājādhidevī, and had Vinda and Anavinda.
Śrutaśravā was wedded to Damaghoṣa, raja of Chedi, and bore him Śiśupāla:
This prince was in a former existence the unrighteous but valiant monarch of the Daityas, Hiraṇyakaśipu, who was killed by the divine guardian of creation (in the man-lion Avatāra).
He was next the ten-headed sovereign Rāvaṇa, whose unequalled prowess, strength, and power were overcome by the lord of the three worlds, Rāma.
Having been killed by the deity in the form of Rāghava, he had long enjoyed the reward of his virtues in exemption from an embodied state, but had now received birth once more as Śiśupāla, the son of Damaghoṣa, king of Chedi.
In this character he renewed, with greater inveteracy than ever, his hostile hatred towards the god surnamed Puṇḍarikākṣa - a portion of the supreme being, who had descended to lighten the burdens of the earth; and was in consequence slain by him:
but from the circumstance of his thoughts being constantly engrossed by the supreme being, Śiśupāla was united with him after death;
for the lord gives to those to whom he is favourable whatever they desire, and he bestows a heavenly and exalted station even upon those whom he slays in his displeasure.