III Book
॥ भृगुवल्ली ॥
|| bhṛguvallī ||
Third Book - Bhṛgu vallī
The special feature of the third book of Taittirīya Upanishad, i.e., Bhrigu- Valli is the mention of the five sheaths, Koṣas, of the Ātman.
The Vedāntic doctrine of three bodies i.e., causal, subtle and gross, and five sheaths or Koṣas, via, the gross physical body, the vital energy that energises the gross, the mind with the senses, the intellect and the primal nescience, is directly based upon the utterances of Taittirīya Upanishad.
It gives the most beautiful idea of leading the mind from the gross to the subtle and in the subtler till to the subtlest of all, the Ātman which is encased within these Upādhis or super-imposed adjuncts of Life.
ॐ सह नाववतु ।
सह नौ भुनक्तु ।
सह वीर्यं करवावहै ।
तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै ।
auṁ saha nāvavatu |
saha nau bhunaktu |
saha vīryaṁ karavāvahai |
tejasvi nāvadhītamastu mā vidviṣāvahai |
Om, May God Protect us Both (the Teacher and the Student),
May God Nourish us Both,
May we Work Together with Energy and Vigour,
May our Study be Enlightening and not give rise to Hostility,
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
auṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ||
Om Peace! Peace! Peace!
bhṛgurvai vāruṇiḥ | varuṇaṁ pitaramupasasāra |
adhīhi bhagavo brahmeti | tasmā etatprovāca |
annaṁ prāṇaṁ cakṣuḥ śrotraṁ mano vācamiti |
taɱ hovāca | yato vā imāni bhūtāni jāyante |
yena jātāni jīvanti |
yatprayantyabhisaṁviśanti | tadvijijñāsasva | tad brahmeti |
sa tapo'tapyata | sa tapastaptvā || 1 ||
Bhrigu, the son of Varuṇa,
approached his father Varuṇa, (and said):
“Sir, teach me about Brahman.”
To him he replied:
“Food, prāṇa, the eyes, the ears, the mind and the speech.”
To him he further said:
“That, out of which all these creatures are born,
being born by which they live,
(and again) having departed into which they enter,
seek to know That. That is Brahman.”
He performed penance; and having performed the penance...
॥ इति प्रथमोऽनुवाकः ॥
|| iti prathamo'nuvākaḥ ||
It was the First Chapter
annaṁ brahmeti vyajānāt | annāddhyeva khalvimāni
bhutāni jāyante | annena jātāni jīvanti |
annaṁ prayantyabhisaṁviśantīti | tadvijñāya |
punareva varuṇaṁ pitaramupasasāra | adhīhi bhagavo brahmeti |
taɱ hovāca | tapasā brahma vijijñāsasva | tapo brahmeti |
sa tapo'tapyata | sa tapastaptvā || 1 ||
(He) learnt that Food is Brahman
(because) from Food these creatures are born;
having been born, by food they live;
and having departed, into food again they enter.
To know It he approached his father Varuṇa again (and said):
“Sir, teach me Brahman.”
To him he replied:
“With penance thou shouldst ask of Brahman. Tapas is Brahman.”
He performed Tapas; and having performed tapas...
॥ इति द्वितीयोऽनुवाकः ॥
|| iti dvitīyo'nuvākaḥ ||
It was the Second Chapter
prāṇo brahmeti vyajānāt |
prāṇāddhyeva khalvimāni bhūtāni jāyante |
prāṇena jātāni jīvanti | prāṇaṁ prayantyabhisaṁviśantīti |
tadvijñāya | punareva varuṇaṁ pitaramupasasāra |
adhīhi bhagavo brahmeti | taɱ hovāca |
tapasā brahma vijijñāsasva | tapo brahmeti |
sa tapo'tapyata | sa tapastaptvā || 1 ||
He understood that the Prāṇa is Brahman,
(because) from the Prāṇa these creatures are born;
having been born, by the Prāṇa they live;
and having departed, into the Prāṇa again they enter.
To know it (further)
he approached his father Varuṇa again (and said):
“Sir, teach me Brahman.”
To him he said:
“With tapas thou shouldst enquire of Brahman. Tapas is Brahman.”
He performed Tapas; and having performed tapas...
॥ इति तृतीयोऽनुवाकः ॥
|| iti tṛtīyo'nuvākaḥ ||
It was the Third Chapter
mano brahmeti vyajānāt | manaso hyeva khalvimāni
bhūtāni jāyante | manasā jātāni jīvanti |
manaḥ prayantyabhisaṁviśantīti | tadvijñāya |
punareva varuṇaṁ pitaramupasasāra | adhīhi bhagavo brahmeti |
taɱ hovāca | tapasā brahma vijijñāsasva | tapo brahmeti |
sa tapo'tapyata | sa tapastaptvā || 1 ||
He understood that the Manas is Brahman,
(because) from the Manas these creatures are born;
having been born, by Manas they live;
having departed, into the Manas again they enter.
To know it further,
he approached his father Varuṇa again (and said):
“Sir, teach me Brahman.”
To him he replied:
“With tapas thou shouldst ask of Brahman. Tapas is Brahman.”
He performed tapas; and having performed tapas...
॥ इति चतुर्थोऽनुवाकः ॥
|| iti caturtho'nuvākaḥ ||
It was the Fourth Chapter.
vijñānaṁ brahmeti vyajānāt |
vijñānāddhyeva khalvimāni bhūtāni jāyante |
vijñānena jātāni jīvanti |
vijñānaṁ prayantyabhisaṁviśantīti | tadvijñāya |
punareva varuṇaṁ pitaramupasasāra | adhīhi bhagavo brahmeti |
taɱ hovāca | tapasā brahma vijijñāsasva | tapo brahmeti |
sa tapo'tapyata | sa tapastaptvā || 1 ||
He understood that the Intelligence is Brahman,
(because) from intelligence these creatures are born;
having been born, by intelligence they live;
and having departed, into intelligence again they enter.
To know it (further),
he approached his father Varuṇa again (and said):
“Sir, teach me Brahman.”
To him he replied:
“With tapas thou shouldst ask of Brahman. Tapas is Brahman.”
He performed tapas; and having performed tapas...
॥ इति पञ्चमोऽनुवाकः ॥
|| iti pañcamo'nuvākaḥ ||
It was the Fifth Chapter.
ānando brahmeti vyajānāt |
ānandādhyeva khalvimāni bhūtāni jāyante |
ānandena jātāni jīvanti | ānandaṁ prayantyabhisaṁviśantīti |
He understood that bliss is Brahman,
(because) from bliss these creatures are verily born;
having been born, by bliss they live;
and having departed, into bliss again they enter:
sa ya evaṁ veda pratitiṣṭhati | annavānannādo bhavati |
mahānbhavati prajayā paśubhirbrahmavarcasena |
mahān kīrtyā || 1 ||
This is that knowledge of Bhrigu and Varuṇa
(which) is established in the supreme Space (Ākāśa).
He who knows thus is also established (in the Supreme Space).
He becomes rich in food and is able to eat food.
He becomes great by progeny, by cattle and Spiritual lustre (of his person).
(He becomes) great by fame.
॥ इति षष्ठोऽनुवाकः ॥
|| iti ṣaṣṭho'nuvākaḥ ||
It was the Sixth Chapter
annaṁ na nindyāt | tadvratam | prāṇo vā annam |
śarīramannādam | prāṇe śarīraṁ pratiṣṭhitam |
śarīre prāṇaḥ pratiṣṭhitaḥ | tadetadannamanne pratiṣṭhitam |
sa ya etadannamanne pratiṣṭhitaṁ veda pratitiṣṭhati |
annavānannādo bhavati |
mahānbhavati prajayā
paśubhirbrahmavarcasena | mahān kīrtyā || 1 ||
Let him not speak ill of Food; that is the vow.
Prāṇa is food; the body is the eater of food:
In Prāṇa the body is established.
And (again) in the body Prāṇa is maintained;
thus food is established in food.
He who knows that food thus rests on food, is established.
He becomes rich in food and becomes eater of food.
He becomes great by children, by cattle and spiritual lustre.
He becomes great by fame.
॥ इति सप्तमोऽनुवाकः ॥
iti saptamo'nuvākaḥ ||
It was the Seventh Chapter.
annaṁ na paricakṣīta | tadvratam | āpo vā annam |
jyotirannādam | apsu jyotiḥ pratiṣṭhitam |
jyotiṣyāpaḥ pratiṣṭhitāḥ | tadetadannamanne pratiṣṭhitam |
sa ya etadannamanne pratiṣṭhitaṁ veda pratitiṣṭhati |
annavānannādo bhavati |
mahānbhavati prajayā
paśubhirbrahmavarcasena |
mahān kīrtyā || 1 ||
Let him not reject food; that is the vow.
Water is food. The fire is the consumer of food.
On water rests fire and in fire rests water.
So food rests in food.
He who knows that food thus rests on food is established.
He becomes rich in food and becomes eater of food.
He becomes great by children, by cattle and by spiritual lustre.
He becomes great by fame.
इत्यष्टमोऽनुवाकः ॥
ityaṣṭamo'nuvākaḥ ||
It was the Eighth Chapter
annaṁ bahu kurvīta | tadvratam | pṛthivī vā annam |
ākāśo'nnādaḥ | pṛthivyāmākāśaḥ pratiṣṭhitaḥ |
ākāśe pṛthivī pratiṣṭhitā |
tadetadannamanne pratiṣṭhitam |
sa ya etadannamanne pratiṣṭhitaṁ veda pratitiṣṭhati |
annavānannādo bhavati |
mahānbhavati prajayā
paśubhirbrahmavarcasena | mahānkīrtyā || 1 ||
Let him acquire plenty of food: that is the vow.
The earth is the food and the ether is the consumer of food.
On earth rests the ether and in the ether the earth is established.
Thus food is established in food.
He who knows that food thus rests on food is established.
He becomes rich in food and becomes eater of food.
He becomes great by children, by cattle and by spiritual lustre.
He becomes great by fame.
इति नवमोऽनुवाकः ॥
iti navamo'nuvākaḥ ||
It was Ninth Chapter
na kañcana vasatau pratyācakṣīta | tadvratam |
tasmādyayā kayā ca vidhayā bahvannaṁ prāpnuyāt |
arādhyasmā annamityācakṣate |
etadvai mukhato'naɱ rāddham |
mukhato'smā annaɱ rādhyate |
etadvai madhyato'naɱ rāddham |
madhyato'smā annaɱ rādhyate |
edadvā antato'nnaɱ rāddham |
antato'smā annaɱ rādhyate || 1 ||
ya evaṁ veda |
None seeking shelter should be turned away: that is the vow.
Therefore by whatever means let him acquire much food.
For him, Food is ready, - they say.
If food is prepared in the best manner,
food is given him also in the best manner.
If the food is prepared in the medium manner,
to him food is given also in the medium way.
But if the food is prepared in the lowest manner,
food is also given to him in the lowest manner.
He who knows this... (gets also the similar results).
क्षेम इति वाचि । योगक्षेम इति प्राणापानयोः ।
कर्मेति हस्तयोः । गतिरिति पादयोः । विमुक्तिरिति पायौ ।
इति मानुषीः समाज्ञाः ।
kṣema iti vāci | yogakṣema iti prāṇāpānayoḥ |
karmeti hastayoḥ | gatiriti pādayoḥ | vimuktiriti pāyau |
iti mānuṣīḥ samājñāḥ |
(Brahma exists) as well-being in speech,
as acquisition and preservation in the Prāṇa and Apāna,
as activity in the hands and as movement in the feet,
as evacuation in the anus,
- thus is the meditation (of Brahman) in reference to man.
अथ दैवीः । तृप्तिरिति वृष्टौ ।
बलमिति विद्युति ॥ २ ॥
यश इति पशुषु । ज्योतिरिति नक्षत्रेषु ।
प्रजातिरमृतमानन्द इत्युपस्थे । सर्वमित्याकाशे ।
atha daivīḥ | tṛptiriti vṛṣṭau |
balamiti vidyuti || 2 ||
yaśa iti paśuṣu | jyotiriti nakṣatreṣu |
prajātiramṛtamānanda ityupasthe | sarvamityākāśe |
Now follows (the contemplation) in reference to the celestial;
as satisfaction in the rain; as power in the lightning;
as fame in cattle; as light in the stars;
as procreation, immortality and joy in the generative organ;
as all in the sky.
tanmaha ityupāsīta | mahānbhavati | tanmana ityupāsīta |
mānavānbhavati || 3 ||
tannama ityupāsīta | namyante'smai kāmāḥ |
tadbrahmetyupāsīta | brahmavānbhavati |
tadbrahmaṇaḥ parimara ityupāsīta |
paryeṇaṁ mriyante dviṣantaḥ sapatnāḥ |
pari ye'priyā bhrātṛvyāḥ |
Let him meditate upon that as the support
and he will be endowed with support;
Let him meditate upon that as the great
and he will be possessed with greatness;
Let him meditate upon that as mind
and he will be endowed with mental vigour;
Let him meditate upon that as obeisance
and all objects of desire will do obeisance to him;
Let him meditate upon that as the Supreme Lord
and he will be endowed with supremacy;
Let him meditate upon that as the destructive aspect of Brahman
and all those enemies who hate him will die around him,
and around him will die also those foes whom he likes not.
sa yaścāyaṁ puruṣe | yaścāsāvāditye | sa ekaḥ || 4 ||
sa ya evaṁvit | asmāllokātpretya |
etamannamayamātmānamupasaṅkramya |
etaṁ prāṇamayamātmānamupasaṅkramya |
etaṁ manomayamātmānamupasaṅkramya |
etaṁ vijñānamayamātmānamupasaṅkramya |
etamānandamayamātmānamupasaṅkramya |
imāɱllokankāmānnī kāmarūpyanusañcaran |
etat sāma gāyannāste |
He who is in man and he who is in the sun, both are the same.
He who knows this having departed from this world
and attaining the self consisting of food,
(next) attaining the Self consisting of the Prāṇas,
(again) attaining the Self consisting of the Manas,
then attaining the Self consisting of Buddhi
and lastly attaining the Self consisting of bliss,
and enjoying food according to his desires
and assuming forms according to his wishes,
travels through these worlds,
and sings the following Sāma song:
hā vu hā vu hā vu || 5 ||
ahamannamahamannamahamannam |
ahamannādo3'hamannādo3.āhamannādaḥ |
ahaɱ ślokakṛdahaɱ ślokakṛdahaɱ ślokakṛt |
ahamasmi prathamajā ṛtā3sya |
pūrvaṁ devebhyo'mṛtasya nā3bhāyi |
yo mā dadāti sa ideva mā3''vāḥ |
ahamannamannamadantamā3dmi |
ahaṁ viśvaṁ bhuvanamabhyabhavā3m |
suvarna jyotīḥ | ya evaṁ veda | ityupaniṣat || 6 ||
Oh, I am the food, I am the food, I am the food!
I am the food-eater, I am the food-eater, I am the food-eater!
I am the combining agent, I am the combining agent, I am the combining agent!
I am the first-born of all real objects,
(I am) senior to gods, the centre of all immortality.
Whoever gives me does surely saves thus.
The food eat him who eats food.
I am all and destroy all beings.
I am effulgent like the sun.
He who knows thus (attains the aforesaid results).
This is the Upanishad.
इति दशमोऽनुवाकः ॥
iti daśamo'nuvākaḥ ||
It was the Tenth Chapter.
॥ इति भृगुवल्ली समाप्ता ॥
|| iti bhṛguvallī samāptā ||
It was the Third Book named Bhrigu Valli.
ॐ सह नाववतु ।
सह नौ भुनक्तु ।
सह वीर्यं करवावहै ।
तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै ।
auṁ saha nāvavatu |
saha nau bhunaktu |
saha vīryaṁ karavāvahai |
tejasvi nāvadhītamastu mā vidviṣāvahai |
Om, May God Protect us Both (the Teacher and the Student),
May God Nourish us Both,
May we Work Together with Energy and Vigour,
May our Study be Enlightening and not give rise to Hostility,
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
auṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ||
Om Peace! Peace! Peace!
॥ हरिः ॐ ॥
|| Hariḥ Om ||