Dharmasūtras | Hindu Laws

Āpastamba Dharmasūtras part 10. Ancestral Offerings 1. In ancient times gods and men used to live together in this world. Then the gods went to heaven by performing rites, while men were left behind. Those among them who perform rites in the same manner get to dwell in that world together with the gods and Brahman. For this purpose Manu

Āpastamba Dharmasūtras part 11. ORDERS OF LIFE There are 4 orders of life: - the householder’s life, - living at teacher’s house, - the life of a sage, and - that of a forest hermit. If a man remains steadfast in any of these, he attains bliss. A prerequisite for all is to live teacher’s house following one’s initiation, and

Āpastamba Dharmasūtras part 12. We have explained the general and specific Laws of all the classes. We will now present specifically the Laws pertaining to a king. KING 1. Royal Fort 2. Duties 3. Gambling 4. Protection of Subjects 5. Appointment of Security Officers 6. Collection of Taxes Sexual Misconduct 7. Rape 8. Levirate 9. Adultery 10. Crime and Punishment 11. Marital Property Judicial Process

*/ Index of Contents | 12 Parts Part 1: 1. Sources of Law 2. Social Classes THE STUDENT 3. Initiation 4. Teacher 5. Time of Initiation 6. Failure to be Initiated 7. Residency A Student’s Code of Conduct 8. General Rules 9. Insignia 10. General Rules 11. Food 12. Fire Worship 13. Conduct towards the Teacher 14. General Rules 15.

According to Hindu tradition Gautama Dharmasūtra is a very ancient work and collection of rules and duties for different classes of people in Ancient Vedic society, the notoriously famous Varṇāśrama system: First of all – it means a collection of Laws and Rules for the Vedic Brahmin class and for other classes according to Brahmins. Gautama Dharmasūtra is not the

Gautama Dharmasūtras part 1. The source of Law is the Veda, 2. as well as the tradition and practice of those who know the Veda. 1. Sources of Law 2. Time of Initiation Student’s Code of Conduct 3. Insignia 4. Purification 5. Rules of Study 6. Uninitiated Children 7. General Rules 8. Conduct towards a Teacher 9. Food 10. Punishment 11. Conclusion of Study

Gautama Dharmasūtras part 2. ORDERS OF LIFE 1. Argument of Opponents 2. Student 3. Mendicant 4. Anchorite 5. Author’s Judgement THE HOUSEHOLDER 6. Marriage 7. Types of Marriage 8. Mixed Classes 9. Sons 10. Rules of Sexual Intercourse 11. Ritual Duties 12. Gifts 13. Guests 14. Salutation 15. Rules of Precedence 16. Times of Adversity 17. Brahmin and the King 18. Sacramentary Rites 19. Virtues

Gautama Dharmasūtras part 3. The Bath-Graduate (snātaka). Such a man, after he has completed his studies, should bathe according to the rules, marry a wife, and, as he continues to observe the Laws proper to a householder described above, subject himself to the following vows. He shall always keep himself clean and smelling good and cultivate the habit of bathing.

Gautama Dharmasūtras part 4. Study, sacrifice, and giving gifts pertain to all twice-born classes. Occupations of the 4 Classes 1. Brahmin 2. King and Kṣatriya 3. War 4. Taxes 5. Ownership 6. Vaiśya and Śūdra 7. The King 8. Judicial Process 9. Punishment 10. Abuse and Assault 11. Theft 12. Property Damage 13. Rates of Interest 14. Ownership 15. Debts 16. Punishment 17. Witnesses

Gautama Dharmasūtras part 5. IMPURITY 1. Death Impurity 2. Contact with a Corpse 3. Contact with Impure Persons 4. Libations to the Deceased 5. Immediate Purification ANCESTRAL OFFERINGS 6. Ancestral Offerings 7. Quality of Invitees 8. Types of Food 9. Unfit Invitees 10. Sexual Abstinence 11. Pollution and Remedies Annual Course of Study 12. Annual Course of Study 13. Suspension of Vedic Recitation
