Brahma Sutras Chapter 2. 4


Brahma Sutras 2.4

Pranotpattyadhikaranam -  Topic 1 (Sutras 1-4) 

The Pranas have their origin from Brahman


Tatha pranah  |II.4.1 (270)

Thus the vital airs (are produced from Brahman).

Tatha - thus, likewise, similarly, like the creation of the five primal elements as stated in the previous section;
Pranah - the Pranas, the organs.


Gaunyasambhavat   |II.4.2 (271)

On account of the impossibility of a secondary (origin of the Pranas).

Gauni - secondary sense;
Asambhavat - on account of impossibility, as it is impossible, being impossible.


Tatprakcchrutescha  |II.4.3 (272)

On account of that (word which indicates origin) being mentioned first (in connection with Pranas).

Tat - that;
Prak - first;
Sruteh - from Sruti, on account of the Sruti text being mentioned;
Cha - and, also.


Tatpurvakatvadvachah  |II.4.4 (273)

Because speech is preceded by that, (viz., fire and the other elements).

Saptagatyadhikaranam -  Topic 2 (Sutras 5-6) 

The number of the organs


Sapta gaterviseshitatvaccha   |II.4.5 (274)

The Pranas (organs) are seven on account of this being understood (from scriptural passages) and of the specification (of those seven).

Sapta - seven;
Gateh - from the movement, being so known (from the scriptural passages);
Viseshitatvat - on account of the specification;
Cha - and.


Hastadayastu sthite’to naivam  |II.4.6 (275)

But (there are also in addition to the seven Pranas mentioned) the hands and rest. This being a settled matter, therefore (we must) not (conclude) thus (viz., that there are seven Pranas only).

Hastadayah - hands and the rest;
Tu - but;
Sthite - being determined, being a fact, while abiding in the body;
Atah - therefore;
Na - not; Evam - thus, so, like this.

Prananutvadhikaranam -  Topic 3 (Sutra 7) 

The organs are minute in size


Anavascha  |II.4.7 (276)

And (they are) minute.

Anavah - minute;
Cha - and, also.

Pranasraishthyadhikaranam -  Topic 4 (Sutra 8) 

The chief Prana has also an origin from Brahman


Sreshthascha  |II.4.8 (277)

And the best (i.e., the chief vital air or Prana is also produced).

Sreshthah - the best, the highest, the chief Prana (vital force or life-energy);
Cha - and, also.

Vayukriyadhikaranam -  Topic 5 (Sutras 9-12) 

The chief Prana is different from air and sense functions


Na vayukriye prithagupadesat  |II.4.9 (278)

(The chief Prana is) neither air nor function, on account of its being mentioned separately.

Na - not;
Vayukriye - air or function;
Prithak - separate, separately;
Upadesat - because of the teaching, on account of its being mentioned.
(Prithagupadesat - because of the separate mention.)


Chakshuradivattu tatsahasishtyadibhyah   |II.4.10 (278)

But (the Prana is subordinate to the soul), like eyes, etc., on account of (its) being taught with them (the eyes, etc.) and for other reasons.

Chakshuradivat - like the eyes and the rest;
Tu - but;
Tatsaha - along with them;
Sishtyadibhyah - on account of (its) being taught, because of the scriptural instructions and other reasons.


Akaranatvaccha na doshastatha hi darsayati  |II.4.11 (280)

And on account of (its) not being an instrument the objection is not (valid); because thus (scripture) declares.

Akaranatvat - on account of (its) not being an instrument;
Cha - and, also;
Na - not;
Doshah - defect, objection, fault;
Tatha - thus, so; Hi - as, because;
Darsayati - teaches, scripture shows, declares.


Panchavrittirmanovat vyapadisyate   |II.4.12 (281)

It is taught as having a fivefold function like the mind.

Panchavrittih - having fivefold function;
Manovat - like the mind;
Vyapadisyate - is described, it is taught, it is designated.

Sreshthanutvadhikaranam -  Topic 6 (Sutra 13)

The minuteness of the chief Prana


Anuscha  |II.4.13 (282)

And it (chief Prana) is minute.

Anuh - minute;
Cha - and.

Jyotiradyadhikaranam -  Topic 7 (Sutras 14-16) 

The presiding deities of the organs


Jyotiradyadhishthanam tu tadamananat  |II.4.14 (283)

But there is the presiding over by Fire and others (over the organs), because of such statement in Sruti.

Jyotiradyadhishthanam - presiding over by Fire and others;
Tu - but;
Tadamananat - because of such statement in Sruti, on account of the scriptures teaching that.


Pranavata sabdat  |II.4.15 (284)

(The gods are not the enjoyers, but the soul, because the organs are connected) with the one (i.e., the soul) possessing them (a thing we know) from the scriptures.

Pranavata - with the one possessing the Pranas (organs);
Sabdat - from the scriptures.


Tasya cha nityatvat  |II.4.16 (285)

And on account of its (soul’s) permanence (in the body it is the enjoyer, and not the gods).

Tasya - its;
Cha - and;
Nityatvat - on account of permanence.

Indriyadhikaranam -  Topic 8 (Sutras 17-19)

The organs are independent principles and not functions of the chief Prana


Ta Indriyani tadvyapadesadanyatra sreshthat  |II.4.17 (286)

They (the other Pranas) are senses, on account of being so designated (by the scriptures), with the exception of the best (the chief Prana).

Ta - they;
Indriyani - the organs;
Tadvyapadesat - because designated as such;
Sreshthat anyatra - except the chief, other than the chief Prana which is the highest. (Anyatra - elsewhere, except; Sreshthat - than the best or the chief Prana.)


Bhedasruteh  |II.4.18 (287)

(On account of the) scriptural statement of difference.

Bhedasruteh -  on account of the scriptural statement of difference.


Vailakshanyaccha  |II. 4.19 (288)

And on account of the difference of characteristics.

Vailakshanyat - on account of difference of characteristics;
Cha - and.

Samjnamurtiklriptyadhikaranam -  Topic 9 (Sutras 20-22) 

The creation of names and forms is by the Lord and not by the individual soul


Samjnamurtiklriptistu trivritkurvata upadesat  |II.4.20 (289)

But the creation of names and forms is by Him who does the tripartite (creation), for so the scriptures teach.

Samjnamurtiklriptih - the creation of name and form;
Tu - but;
Trivritkurvatah - of Him who does the tripartite creation, of His who made the elements triple; Upadesat - on account of scriptural teaching, as Sruti has stated so.
(Samjna - name; Murtih - form; Klriptih - creation; Trivrit - tripartite, compound; Kurvatah - of the Creator.)


Mamsadi bhaumam yathasabdamitarayoscha  |II.4.21 (290)

Flesh, etc., originates from earth according to the scriptural statement and (so also) in the case of the other (elements, viz., fire and water).

Mamsadi - flesh and the rest;
Bhaumam - are effects of earth;
Yathasabdam - as Sruti has said so, as declared by the scripture;
Itarayoh - of the other two, namely fire and water;
Cha - also, and.


Vaiseshyattu tadvadastadvadah  |II.4.22 (291)

But on account of the preponderance (of a particular element in them the gross elements) are so named (after it).

Vaiseshyat - on account of the preponderance;
Tu - but;
Tadvadah - that special name.