Ānandamayi Mā | Sayings

To be attracted means to become trans­formed. Whenever you feel drawn to anything, be it a person, an object, or an idea, you have to sacrifice something of yourself. In the exact degree that you give up, so will you receive. This is an axiom of life. The more the heart becomes filled with the love of God, the fainter

A man who hears the word 'Himalaya' without having actually set eyes on the mighty range, will be under the impression that it is but a single mountain, whereas once face to face with the Hima­layas he will realize that they consist of hundreds upon hundreds of peaks, stretching over hundreds of miles, with milliards of trees, animals, birds, insects,

Renunciation implies immacu­late purity and sincerity. If you live in the world, free from pride and selfishness, people will vie with one another in provi­ding for all your needs. At the same time your ideal way of working and your spirit of dedication will serve as an example wherever you may be. Perfect renunciation is in very truth perfect enjoyment.

Those, on the other hand, who lead a life resigned to the Will of the Almighty, taking shelter at His Feet, will remain unperturbed and at peace even if faced with any number of privations and afflic­tions. In this ever changing world, happi­ness alternating with sorrow will always be man's lot, just like the eternal sequences of ebb and flow,

You often declare that ego is the root of all evil; in actual fact however, this is not so. The sense of "I" implies will-power and self-exertion. While ego is the cause of birth and death, it also helps towards liberation. The development of the ego has made the individual feel cut off from God. To uproot this sense of

Do you not see, some declare the world to be an illusion, while others maintain that it is real. Many deny the existence of deities and angels, others are firmly convinced of it, since, if one prays to them fervently enough, one can have visions of them and also hear their voices.However, for the serious contemplative, such experiences are nothing

The path that leads to the realization of one’s Self and cannot be relinquished — this is dharma. For every individual the road to illumination is different. Wherever you may be, from there itself start advancing. For there is only He and no other. He Himself is holding you. He never, never forsakes you. Then again, the practice (kriyā) that

A man who has gone forth in search of God — God will never give him back again. God is one’s very own Self, the breath of one’s breath, the life of one’s life, the Ātmā. Not until his true Self has been revealed to him may a seeker ever relax his search. By seeking one will find; the Self

Happiness that depends on anything or anyone turns into sorrow when that particular thing or person is out of reach. Everything in this world is transitory. So also worldly happi­ness: it comes and the next moment it is gone. If permanent, abiding happiness is to be found, That which is eternal will have to be realized. In this world, every

Bhagavan, the all-pervading, in every form, in every sect and religion is He alone. To be eager to love God is very fortunate; it is in fact His grace. Man’s love should be directed solely towards God, then only will there be peace and bliss. Ever take refuge at His feet. It is man’s privilege to realize the One; the
