Viṣṇu Purāṇa | Book 1 - Chapter 10
Chapter X
Thou hast narrated to me, great Muni, all that I asked of thee: now resume the account of the creation subsequently to Bhrigu.
Lakṣmī, the bride of Viṣṇu, was the daughter of Bhrigu by Khyāti.
They had also two sons, Dhātri and Vidhātri, who married the two daughters of the illustrious Meru, Āyati and Niryati; and had by them each a son, named Prāṇa and Mrikaṇḍa.
The son of the latter was Mārkaṇḍeya, from whom Vedaśiras was born. The son of Prāṇa was named Dyutimat, and his son was Rājavat; after whom, the race of Bhrigu became infinitely multiplied.
Sambhūti, the wife of Marīchi, gave birth to Paurnamāsa, whose sons were Virajas and Sarvaga. I shall hereafter notice his other descendants, when I give a more particular account of the race of Marīchi.
The wife of Aṅgiras, Smriti, bore daughters named Sinivālī, Kuhu, Rākā, and Anumati (phases of the moon). Anasūyā, the wife of Atri, was the mother of three sinless sons, Soma (the moon), Durvāsā, and the ascetic Dattātreya.
Pulastya had, by Prīti, a son called in a former birth, or in the Svāyambhūva Manvantara, Dattoli, who is now known as the sage Agastya.
Kṣamā, the wife of the patriarch Pulaha, was the mother of three sons, Karmasa, Arvarīvat, and Sahiṣṇu.
The wife of Kratu, Sannati, brought forth the sixty thousand Bālakhilyas, pigmy sages, no bigger than a joint of the thumb, chaste, pious, resplendent as the rays of the sun.
Vasiṣṭha had seven sons by his wife Urjjā, Rajas, Gātra, Ūrddhabāhu, Savana, Anagha, Sutapas, and Śukra, the seven pure sages. The Agni named Abhimānī, who is the eldest born of
Brahmā, had, by Svāhā, three sons of surpassing brilliancy, Pāvaka, Pavamāna, and Śuchi, who drinks up water: they had forty-five sons, who, with the original son of Brahmā and his three descendants, constitute the forty-nine fires.
The progenitors (Pitris), who, as I have mentioned, were created by Brahmā, were the Agniṣvāttas and Varhiṣads; the former being devoid of, and the latter possessed of, fires.
By them, Svadhā had two daughters, Menā and Dhāranī, who were both acquainted with theological truth, and both addicted to religious meditation; both accomplished in perfect wisdom, and adorned with all estimable qualities.
Thus has been explained the progeny of the daughters of Dakṣa. He who with faith recapitulates the account, shall never want offspring.